Tuesday, April 17, 2018

The character's unique skills

Harry, Ron, and Hermione find themselves in a challenging series of puzzles while they attempt to reach the sorcerer's stone. If any of them had decided not to go through the trapdoor with the others, then the other two would have been very lucky to make it through alive. Each of the three characters use their own special skills to progress through the challenges.
Hermione uses her knowledge and logic to get them through the challenges. First, she uses her knowledge about the Devil's Snare to save them from being strangled by the plant. Harry acknowledges her ability when he says "Lucky you pay attention in Herbology, Hermione" (278). Hermione also uses her logic to choose the correct potion that will allow Harry to pass through the flames. Ron and Harry were both at a loss for ways to escape the Devil's snare, as they kept moving and making the grip tighter. Harry also had no idea how to choose the correct potion, and could have been stuck in the room forever. Without Hermione, Harry never would have made it through the puzzles.
Ron also showed his usefulness twice. Once, he reminds Hermione that she doesn't need any wood to burn the plant. Without this advice, Hermione may not have been able to save them. Ron shows the most usefulness in the chess game. Having played chess all his life, he is very good at it and is able to win the game, even through he sacrifices himself. From earlier games of chess, we know that Harry and Hermione are not very good at it, and therefore could have gotten themselves hurt trying to get through.
Finally, Harry also helps them get through with his unique skill set. First, Harry catches the correct key due to his skill in quidditch. Harry also uses his previous experiences with the mirror of Erised to obtain the sorcerer's stone. Ron and Hermione also tried to catch the keys, but were unsuccessful. They also may not have been able to figure out the trick to the mirror.
Therefore, all of the characters have unique sets of skills that make them a perfect group. What one member may lack, another makes up for. Harry, Ron, and Hermione make the perfect group of heroes.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with your statement that if any of the trio had not gone through the trapdoor, they wouldn't have been able to make it all the way to the stone. Harry, Ron, and Hermione compliment and bring out the best in each other. Where one has a weakness, another has a strength. This dynamic is what makes the trio so interesting to read about. They know how to support their friends without making them feel inferior. Often times in the series and in this book as well, Harry gets all the credit. And while he deserves the credit for actually going up against Voldemort, he would not have made it that far if he hadn't had his friends by his side. Dumbledore does award points to Ron and Hermione in this book for "the best played game of chess Hogwarts has seen in many years" and for "the use of cool logic in the face of fire" but in general, Hermione and Ron's contributions are largely forgotten by the students (Rowling 305). The abilities of "the boy who lived" become legend while those who are always willing to stand by his side are pushed to the side. Hermione and Ron are gracious and do not become bitter, they are always up for another adventure. The varied abilities of each member of the trio help them to be prepared for any of the challenges thrown at them, whether it be a three-headed dog, or a transfiguration test.
