Monday, April 9, 2018

Why Volunteer?

            One thing that surprisingly no one seems to question is why Katniss volunteers for Prim.  Of course, it’s because she loves her, but Katniss herself acknowledges that, “Family devotion only goes so far for most people on reaping day” (26).  Peeta’s older brother doesn’t volunteer for him, even though he is eligible.  Presumably he loves his younger brother.  Over the years there must have been many children who let their siblings go to the games without volunteering, since “volunteers are all but extinct” in District 12 (22).  The book gives the reason for this as “the word tribute is pretty much synonymous with the word corps,” but if anything that should make it even more an act of love to volunteer for a sibling, as they are virtually guaranteed to die for them (22).  Why then does Katniss love Prim so much more than most people love their siblings?
            I suggest that it is because Katniss’ love for Prim is not the love of a sister at all, but rather the love of a mother.  Katniss sees herself as a parent, and Prim and even her mother as her children.  Gale and Katniss even refer to both their younger siblings and their mothers as their kids in the woods.  This is because they are the primary providers for their families.  After her father died and her mother shut down emotionally, Katniss “At eleven years old, with Prim just seven...took over as head of the family” (27).  Katniss sees herself not only as the provider, but also the defender of her family, especially Prim, and she notes, “I protect Prim in every way I can, but I’m powerless against the reaping” (15).  We learn that this is untrue, as Katniss protects her sister from even that.  While brotherly or sisterly love may not be enough for the people of District 12 to lay down their lives, parental love probably is.  If parents were able to volunteer for their children there would likely be a volunteer for nearly every tribute. While Katniss is brave and everyone seems to love Prim, it is the different nature of their relationship rather than some innate quality in Katniss that is the cause of her sacrifice.

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